Attendance survey

In order to help us prepare your Symposium, we would like to have an idea of how many are currently planning to come to l'Estérel.

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Registration FEES

  Early Bird1 Regular
ISCEV member CAD$1030 (US$∼750) CAD$1165 (US$∼850)
Non-member CAD$1165 (US$∼850) CAD$1305 (US$∼950)
Reduced rates2 CAD$890 (US$∼650) CAD$1030 (US$∼750)
Accompanying person CAD$890 (US$∼650) CAD$1030 (US$∼750)
Registration (course)3 CAD$825 (US$∼600) CAD$960 (US$∼700)
1 Before July 1st 2024
2 Students/residents/fellows (with support letter from their supervisor) and Emeritus members
3Human or animal courses


Please fill out one form per attendee

Symposium registration type

Course registration

Which conference attendee will you be accompanying?

Attendee information

Billing information

TOTAL: U$ 500

Pay now
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